Friday, February 13, 2009

part 1- question 3 by Jeffrey

Colonization of the 1500’s and Imperialism in the 1900’s are similar and different in many ways they both are affected the lives of people by the actions of Europeans. They have caused deaths, poverty, and civil wars.
Some similarities that they have are that they both changed the social class system in the countries they took over. During the age of exploration the Conquistadors took all of Latin Americas resources such as their crops and gold. While during Imperialism the European countries took the Africans land and natural resources such as the highly valued diamonds.
Some differences that they have are that they were started for different reasons. For starters the age of exploration was started mainly because Spain and Portugal wanted access to new trading route because the Muslim Turks controlled trade in the east of their geography so they went to the Latin American countries. While on their sailboats they would chant the reasons for this voyage “gold, god and glory!” In the other hand Imperialism started because of the desire for European countries to become stronger.
It was called the “scramble for Africa” as many countries were fighting for land in Africa. The Berlin conference then settled warfare and allowed the distribution of land in Africa is done fairly; however African leaders didn’t have any say in this. In addition Imperialism is different from colonization because it caused civil wars in countries in Africa such ad Sierra Leone. Rebel groups such as the RUF, had position of guns by trading their diamonds for it. This allowed to them to have control of the Africa and do some pretty messed up things. The Age of exploration on the other hand resulted in had some similarity to Imperialism because the decline of Latin American led to the desire for African slaves.

1 comment:

  1. True.. The European Imperialism left Africa in a really bad state. Because of the RUF wanting to control the conflict diamonds. Good job with the post
